SCT&E LNG in Wall Street Journal - Energy Giants Seek Chinese Minnows in Bid to Shift Gas Glut
(December 29. 2016) - BEIJING - A glut of natural gas is prompting global energy companies to court smaller Chinese customers, bypassing state giants such as PetroChina that have controlled imports.
SCT&E LNG increases LNG export request to 12 mtpa
SCT&E LNG, a subsidiary of Southern California Telephone & Energy, submitted a revised Free Trade Application to the U.S. Department of Energy. Press Release, July 18, 2014
The revised application increased the original export request for 4 mtpa of domestically produced LNG to 12 mtpa, which is approximately 1.6 billion cubic feet of domestically produced LNG per day.
Ute Tribe announces plan to build gas-fired power plant
FORT DUCHESNE, (Uintah County -Thursday, May 22 2014 3:42 p.m. MDT) - The Ute Indian Tribe plans to explore the development of a 1,000-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant on the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation in northeastern Utah. Tribal officials, in a statement announcing the project, said the proposed plant will make productive use of the "vast amount of land and energy resources" on the reservation.
"Development of this project represents an exceptionally valuable opportunity for the tribe to utilize its natural gas resources to fuel power generation on the reservation for the benefit of tribal members and the surrounding community," said Ronald Wopsock, vice chairman of the tribe's governing Business Committee and a member of the steering committee formed to manage the project.
Correction to May 2014 Press Release Regarding Monkey Island Project Site
SCT&E's Chairman Greg Michaels Speaks at LNG 360 Degrees Forum: Latin America & Caribbean
TEMECULA, CA--(Marketwired - Jan 23, 2014) - Greg Michaels, Chairman and CEO of Southern California Telephone & Energy (SCT&E) and subsidiary North Energy Central (NEC), was invited to speak at the annual LNG 360 Forum, Latin American & Caribbean in Houston, Texas ( Mr. Michaels was featured as an industry leading speaker among the following: Manuel Perez Duduc, President of AES Corporation, Panama, Rudolf Araneda, CEO of GasAtacama, Chile, Javier H. Estrada, Secretaria de Energía, Mexico, and Hugo V. Hodge, CEO of Water and Power, US Virgin Islands.
USC Honors Southern California Telephone & Energy Chief Executive Officer, Greg Michaels
LAGUNA BEACH, CA--(Marketwired - Dec 23, 2013) - As the annual NCAA bowl games approach, esteemed University of Southern California (USC) celebrates an historic 125 years of athletic tradition. USC is known for its great Trojan football program and unparalleled athletic success in the sports of baseball, tennis, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, golf, rowing and volleyball which has resulted in 120 national team championships, an unprecedented 419 Olympians, and 52 NCAA Postgraduate Scholars. Greg Michaels, CEO of Southern California Telephone & Energy, was honored among his peers and fellow athletes at the Los Angeles Coliseum (USC's home stadium) in Los Angeles. Former USC Men's Varsity Tennis athletes were reunited and recognized on the field at half time of the USC vs. UCLA football game.
Southern California Telephone & Energy (SCT&E) Gives Back
TEMECULA, CA and LAGUNA BEACH, CA--(Marketwired - Dec 3, 2013) - "Giving back" during Thanksgiving and the upcoming holiday season, Southern California Telephone & Energy (SCT&E) wants those who are struggling to have a great meal with their loved ones. The company donates turkeys and canned goods annually to those who need it the most. SCT&E works with Temecula Valley People Helping People (TVPHP), located near the SCT&E corporate office in Temecula, California, to identify people that need help.
The giving back tradition is a long-time commitment by the executives at Southern California Telephone & Energy. Owner and CEO, Greg Michaels, continues once again this holiday season with the company's immensely popular program where both customers and families in need will mutually benefit. Denny Mighell, Chairman of TVPHP commented, "Indeed, consistency has been the key as Mr. Michaels and SCT&E have been faithfully giving back through lean as well as plentiful years. Having caring and consistent donors is what keeps the program going."
Southern California Telephone & Energy's (SCT&E) Plan to Vertically Integrate a US Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Export Terminal, Shipping of US LNG, an LNG Storage Terminal, and a Power Plant in the Caribbean Is Expected to Exceed an Investment of US$2 Billion
LAGUNA BEACH, CA and SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC--(Marketwired - Jun 14, 2013) - Greg Michaels, Chairman of SCT&E, and CEO of its subsidiary North Energy Central (NEC), spent the last week in the Dominican Republic on a highly fruitful business trip where he met with investors and financiers to discuss the US$2 billion vertically integrated energy projects. During the same trip, Mr. Michaels attended a Gas Summit and Round Table for the present and future needs of Natural Gas in the Dominican Republic and Latin America. NEC was featured in an article on the cover of "GAS Magazine Latinoamerica," a well-known industry magazine presented at the Gas Summit.
Wi-Fi service expands in harbor
May 22, 2013 - Boaters in Newport Harbor will now be able to more easily surf the web from the water, thanks to an expanded Wi-Fi service. Temecula-based Southern California Telephone and Energy said in a news release earlier this month that it "expanded its footprint" in the harbor, making Wi-Fi available to more than 9,000 boaters and businesses through a privately held network.
North Energy Central, a Subsidiary of Southern California Telephone & Energy, Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) With the Dominican Republic to Install a 400 Megawatt Power Plant -- Cost USD$800 Million With State-Owned Electric Utility, CDEEE
LAGUNA BEACH, CA and SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC--(Marketwired - May 10, 2013) - US-based North Energy Central (NEC), a subsidiary of Southern California Telephone & Energy (SCT&E), signed an MOU with the Dominican Republic State-owned Electric Utility (CDEEE) to install a 400 MW natural gas-fired power plant in Manzanillo, in the Northwest province of Montecristi.
U.S. company, Dominican utility announce US$800.0M natural-gas power plant(Update)
Santo Domingo.-(May 9, 2013) The State-owned Electric Utility (CDEEE) on Wednesday signed a memo of understanding (MOU) via which the U.S. based power company North Energy Central (NEC) will invest US$800.0 million to build a natural-gas fired power plant of 400 megawatts at Manzanillo, Montecristi (northwest).
Empresa de EEUU y CDEEE anuncian inversión de US$800.0MM en planta gas natural
May 5, 2013 Santo Domingo -. La Corporación Dominicana de Empresas Eléctricas Estatales (CDEEE) y la empresa norteamericana North Energy Central (NEC) ayer firmaron un acuerdo preliminar para instalar un planta de 400MW impulsada por gas natural, con una inversión de US$800 millones, en Manzanillo, Montecristi. El anuncio se produjo después de una reunión entre Rubén Jiménez Bichara, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la CDEEE, y el Presidente de NEC Greg Michaels, en las oficinas de la empresa estatal en Santo Domingo, acompañado por directivos de ambas entidades.
NEC Corp. boosts Dominican Republic natural gas-fired power plant offer
Santo Domingo.- March 20, 2013 DT on Wednesday learned that U.S. based power company North Energy Central (NEC) proposed to expand its original offer to install a natural gas-fired plant in Manzanillo, Montecristi province (northwest) by 100 megawatts, to a total of 400MW of clean energy based on U.S. leading edge technology.
Southern California Telephone & Energy (SCT&E) Announced Today That the Company Has Secured Approximately USD$11 Billion in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Targeted for Central and Latin America
LAGUNA BEACH, CA and TEMECULA, CA--(Marketwire - Mar 7, 2013) - Greg Michaels, CEO and Company Founder of SCT&E, has just returned from a successful three-week trip spanning the United States and Latin America. Michaels secured a contract to provide LNG in excess of 50,000,000 MMBtu per year for 20 years. The contract includes a liquefaction process and a unique shipping solution to provide the LNG to developing economies.
Southern California Telephone & Energy (SCT&E) and North Energy Central (NEC) Sign a Joint Venture Agreement With Sandcastle Petroleum, LLC., to Market Worldwide "Crude Oil, Jet Fuel and Low Sulfur Diesel" Fuels
TEMECULA, CA--(Marketwire - Nov 30, 2012) - Southern California Telephone & Energy announced today they have signed an agreement with Sandcastle Petroleum, LLC., of Celebration, Florida. This J.V. agreement provides Sandcastle Petroleum rights to market products such as crude oil, jet fuel and low sulfur diesel. Sandcastle plans to aggressively pursue its worldwide network of international customers to sell its fuels at competitive market prices, with prompt and continuous deliveries. Sandcastle selected Southern California Telephone & Energy, who owns a controlling interest in North Energy Central, to partner with Sandcastle for its oil, gas and energy sales. NEC has built a solid reputation in the oil and gas energy industry.
Southern California Telephone and Energy (SCT&E) Acquires North Energy Central (NEC), Moving SCT&E Forward With Its Plans to Expand Electrical Generation in the United States and Abroad
LAGUNA BEACH, CA--(Marketwire - Sep 27, 2012) - Southern California Telephone & Energy, a privately held company, has completed the purchase of North Energy Central (NEC) from the famed Power Plant Designer and Builder Michael Medock for an undisclosed amount. NEC is incorporated in both the United States and the Dominican Republic. The deal centers on an electrical energy generation project in the Dominican Republic that Mr. Medock had been working on for over two years. The estimated cost of the project is over $650 million USD with annual gross revenues of over $450 million USD per year.
Southern California Telephone & Energy completes patent filing for Decentralized Energy Management System and Method
On March 14th, 2012, Southern California Telephone & Energy (Temecula, California, U.S.) announced that it has completed the final patent filing of their Decentralized Energy Management System and Method.
US investors say 3-stage gas-fired power plant to cost US$600.0M
Santo Domingo. March 13th, 2012 - The company North Energy Central, SRL (NEC) yesterday reiterated its commitment to invest US$167.0 million in the first stage of a natural gas-fired power plant in Manzanillo, Dominican Republic’s northwest as announced last week, but noted that the three phase project’s overall cost will be more than US$600.0 million
Going Green Makes Green -- Southern California Telephone And Energy Converts Corporate Headquarters To Cutting Edge Energy Efficiency Technologies Saving The Company Future Dollars
TEMECULA, Calif., March 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Southern California Telephone & Energy (SCT&E) has completed an energy renovation project throughout their entire building at its headquarters located in Temecula, California. At the First Extraordinary Session SB 2X (2011), Investor Owned Utilities were directed to reach 33 percent renewable energy generation by 2020. In response to the California law, SCT&E proposes "behind-the-meter" solutions to everyday modes of operation.
Southern California Telephone & Energy's New "BUILD YOUR CREDIT TELEPHONE SERVICE" Innovative Service Offering Assists Credit-Challenged Consumers
TEMECULA, Calif., March 7, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Credit-challenged consumers now have an ability to re-establish their credit through a new and innovative telephone service offering. Southern California Telephone & Energy (SCT&E) has announced the official launch of an on-line "BUILD YOUR CREDIT TELEPHONE" system (, a multi-faceted and affordable method to build credit through a basic service consumers use every day.
US investors unveil US$167M gas-fired 300MW power plant project
5 March 2012, MANZANILLO, Dominican Republic.- A group of investors on Friday announced the construction of a natural gas-fired power plant with a capacity to produce 300 megawatts, to be built next to the port near the town Pepillo Salcedo, northwestern Montecristi Province.
The company North Central Energy, SRL (NEC) said the liquefied natural gas-fired plant's first stage will cost US$167.0 million to build, and will participate mostly U.S. but also Dominican investors.
The announcement came in Pepillo Salcedo during the first public presentation of the project, whose site has already been traced in the municipality, next to the port, one of the Caribbean's deepest, naturally protected harbors.
Southern California Telephone Company Delivers WI FI Hotspot Services to John Wayne Airport
TEMECULA, CA, May 13, 2010 (MARKET WIRE) -- Southern California Telephone Company (SCTC) a competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) has successfully launched its WI FI Hotspot services at Santa Ana's John Wayne Airport. The Company's CEO Greg Michaels said, "This was an important project for SCTC. John Wayne is said to have the nation's busiest terminals and the Airport was lacking in wireless internet offerings. Our WI FI team did an outstanding job in bringing this project to market. In less than sixty days; from conception to deployment, our team was able to launch our tower which broadcasts internet services to the terminals."
"CLEC" Southern California Telephone Company's Visionary CEO's Dream Being Realized
TEMECULA, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 10/13/09 -- Over 17 years ago, entrepreneur and visionary Greg Michaels of Southern California Telephone Company had a dream of bringing telephone services into the homes and businesses of America. In fact, it was a very specific vision that led him into what is now a fully operating privately held and debt free Telephone Company. Today the company is a Facility Based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) that services individuals and businesses world wide. Tim Nash, the company's Western Regional Sales Manager, states that "Greg Michaels is a true visionary and leader, who has pioneered in the ever changing and advancing telecommunications world. Greg has steered our company through a number of obstacles since the infancy of the Telecom Act. A big key to the company's success is that Greg is trusted and loved by our 60 employees who enjoy all the benefits of a small business growing into a highly competitive mid Tier Company. Our employees are excited to follow Greg in any direction he deems is best for our company."
Temecula, CA - November 27, 2007
Southern California Telephone Company has completed the purchase of Spectrum Technology Internet, adding over 300 customers to its ever-growing base of financially savvy customers. The purchase also included multiple wireless Internet towers to its expanding network.
